1. One step at a time
Life is overwhelming sometimes and big goals can appear terrifying. Try to break your goal into smaller tasks and commit to devote little time to your new tasks. But honour this commitment!
2. Share your goals with your friends
This is a way of enforcing discipline. Once it’s out there, there is always the risk that someone will ask for an update on your little project, so you will need to make sure there is actually some progress to share.
3. Try to write your goals down
Putting your thoughts on paper helps a lot. It doesn’t need to be full sentences but some bullet points can serve reminding you what you want to achieve. Remember these days when you were sure about that break up but everything became crystal clear when you did that pros and cons list? I certainly do! The peppermint noteholder can help you organise your thoughts and keep your list as long as you want. 2021 here we go.
4. Try to think behind your goal
Try to explain the reasons you want to achieve something, them being emotional, strategic, logical or whatever. Building that rationale behind your goals will help you stay motivated at all times.
5. Stay agile
You may believe that things you have been pursuing for years should still be part of your list for 2021. Perhaps for some of us that may not be the case though. Things change, people change and our goals may change too. Try to be open to new challenges and adapt your goals to what matters to you today. Good luck with compiling that list and don’t forget to wear your mask. Talk to you soon.
Ps: If you think that our Peppermint products could contribute to the achievement of your goals, feel free to email us by describing your goal and how we could be of help(i.e. by offering you a discount or by helping you place the product at the right spot). From our side we ll make our best efforts to make it happen!