Our Story



Once upon a time, when our creator, Roman Luyken, was a little boy, he used to hear all these exciting stories about sailing from his dad. So, the moment he first saw a sailboat himself in Milos - the Greek island where he would spend his summers -  he knew he was meant to… dive in! He started taking sailing courses right away and was so passionate that he continued sailing even when the summer was over and he had to return to Germany.




As years went by, the small boat -and boy- became big and Roman was now racing competitively. Summer, sea, sun, wind, boat, and …. ropes! Lots of ropes! The endless hours of tricking the rope with his hands in order to tune his boat to the limits made him love it. Its texture, versatility, and benefits. He loved it so much that he wanted to take it home. So, after completing his design studies in the UK, he decided to create home products made of his favorite material. And so, Peppermint was born!



So, we had the idea, the designer, the rope, and even the name. Ready to set sail! But, what was still missing? Yes, the manufacturer. And yes, we were so lucky on that! A social workshop near Stuttgart, Germany dedicated a space and team that makes all our products one by one by hand. The experience has been incredible, high quality, no stress, and simply put so much fun! We have learned a lot and must say it is possible to get along with your manufacturing partner and yes, it is possible to maintain the highest quality while having fun in doing so. We are so proud to work with our "Pepper Troopers": Wilfried, Sandra, Michael, and their gang, and we are sure they are proud too!




And this is us, the Pepper Troopers! You may have seen our names answering your emails...
Roman loves designing products, Evgenia loves writing stories,
Fotini loves keeping you up to date on social media and Anne loves keeping us all on track. And we all enjoy brainstorming ideas on how to bring the perfect product into your home on our Tuesday morning team call!



So, in a nutshell, this is Peppermint. We love the sea, friends, summer, and rope hangers of course! All of which we want to bring into your home, always by treating our planet with respect. We are writing the next chapters as we speak, so we hope to have you here to share!